Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Craftastic Catch-Up

Today I thought I'd give you guys a quick catch-up on what's been happenin' in my craft room.  I've kinda been on a table runner kick lately.  I whipped this one up to match some pillows (that currently reside on our couch) my mom made me a while back.  These squares are from the same charm pack(s) and it's the same pattern as the one I showed you a few weeks ago (for that post, click here).  This one is not perfect, but I feel like I did a better job in some aspects than the one previously.  I'd like to get to a point where I feel comfortable enough to make this pattern and sell it in my Etsy shop, but I just don't think I'm there yet. (I'm kind of a perfectionist, in case you haven't already gathered that.)

Next up, another table runner pattern I've been experimenting with.  I love how this pattern has a chevron-y feel and how the colors fade from one to another.  Not all of my points match up perfectly, but I'm happy enough with it for myself!

I used a jelly roll for this particular pattern and when I got done, I noticed that I had enough left over to make a second.  My mom loved how it turned out and said she wanted the second one!  I cut and arranged all the pieces and let her make any final adjustments before I began sewing them all together.  I'm a lot happier with how this one turned out.  The points are more even and the colors look fantastic.  Can't wait to give this one to her!

Have you been wondering what I've been crocheting lately?  Well, I found this super cute pattern on Ravelry and decided to give it a go.  I love the bumpy look and it was super easy, just took some time.  I'd have shown you what it looks like on, but it's a tiny bit too small for me...most of the people in my family have big heads, myself included.  I'll be making this one again, though probably with the next size hook up.  Be lookin' for this one and more on my Etsy shop coming this fall!

OK, so I tried a chevron pattern for a white and yellow (gender neutral) baby blanket.  And it was working out beautifully...but, I made the classic mistake that many (especially beginner) crocheters do...I didn't count my stitches for every single stinkin' row.  By the time I was 14 rows in I realized that I had been (accidentally) decreasing every so often.  Somehow, not sure where I messed up.  I was 6 stitches in difference from the bottom row and the last row I had worked.  So, I let the darn thing sit for a while.  I'd put just enough effort into it that I was pretty myself for not knowing any better.

So, what does someone like me do to rectify this?  I've started pulling it out and have begun another patterned baby blanket (and adding in pink).  I'll definitely try the chevron again, but I need to step away from it for a while. 

By the way, I love how this pattern is turning out!  You know I'll be posting more pics once it's finished!

Oh yea, and Happy Independence Day Eve!

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