Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Countdown to the Big Day!

I've been a little high dry these past few days...but, you'll forgive me since my wedding is in ::gasp:: twenty-three days, right?  Now, how did that happen?  It seems like yesterday David was proposing at Christmas time...sheesh, time sure does fly when you're havin' fun! 

This past weekend was out fifth...yes, FIFTH...and final shower up in Kansas.  Phew!  Thank you cards have been my best friend lately...and taken up valuable blogging time!  But, it would appear I'm nearing the end...or should I say the beginning?  After all, David and I are just beginning...

Regardless, I just wanted to throw it out there that I am still alive and well...though slightly I near the wedding day.  Luckily, I only have a handful of items to still take care of (veil, ring bearer pillow, ribbon for the cake, etc.) and those items will do very to stress me very much. 

Throughout this entire process, I have to say that I am so thankful for the friends and family that have showered us with the excitement and joy this occasion brings.  I love it and wouldn't trade any of this for the world!

All of this hoopla is keeping me away from the blogging world more than I would like, but just hang in there with me!  I have a couple book reviews and recipes to come shortly!


  1. That is so sister's is Saturday, so we are down to the wire taking care of those last minute details. I'm ready for it to get here.

  2. Oh yay! I was so glad to see an update! I can't believe your wedding is so close! I am sure it will be beautiful!! I can't wait to see pictures...I can only imagine how gorgeous you are going to be! :)



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